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  Products > Pressure & Flow Measurement : LIQUID > Sub Products > Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meters Clamp on, Transit Time and Doppler > PDFM-IV - Portable Doppler Flow Meter

Ideal for flow troubleshooting, balancing and checking permanent flow meters. Mount the PDFM-IV sensor on the outside of a pipe to transmit, display and totalise flow in gallons, litres or any other unit of measure. It takes just a few seconds to install and calibrate. AC/DC powered with built-in rechargeable battery.
The standard sensor fits any pipe ID from 1" to 180" (25mm to 4.5m). Includes 4-20mA output, programmable totaliser, adjustable sensitivity and damping. Built-in 50,000 point data logger with PC software and RS232 output for transfers to a computer.