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  Products > Meteorology > Sub Products > MK III Sensor Assembly

Following from the popular WS-2000 comes the Rainwise MK III. The MK-III sensor assembly has been designed to offer improved durability and serviceability. This sleek new design is 33 inches high and weighs just over 7 pounds. It is the most accurate, durable and easy to install weather station available.

 > New to the MK III is the option of a wireless yard-mounted rain gauge.     This facilitates periodic cleaning of the gauge without going onto the     roof... particularly useful where there are a lot of trees. This wireless     yard-mounted rain gauge transmits to the MK-III at 315 MHz.
 > The solar charged battery supply is guaranteed to provide continues     operation below 60 degrees latitude. The MK III will operate for at least     60 days without sun.
 > Since there is no connection between the sensors and the power line,     damage from thunderstorms is virtually eliminated, and the sensors are     immune to power line voltage surges.
 > The initial sensor calibration is for wind, temperature, relative humidity,     and barometric pressure are traceable to the National Institute of     Standards and Technology.
 > The passive solar shield for the temperature and humidity sensors are     modeled on the ones designed by the National Weather Service
 > All materials used in the sensor assembly and weather instruments are     chosen for durability and resistance to weathering and corrosion. All of     our weather station hardware is stainless steel. The station is fabricated     from fiberglass and structural PVC and is ultra-violet inhibited. The     optional Mono Mount is made from powder coated steel and is supplied     with bolts for mounting.