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  Products > Meteorology > Sub Products > Weather Oracle MK III Display

The Oracle Display for the MK III and WS-2000 Wireless Weather Stations receives the weather instrument data via radio signal from the MK III and WS-2000 sensor assemblies.

New Features to the MK III
 > Multiple bright LED displays
 > Indoor temperature
 > Temperature/Heat Index
 > Clock/calendar
 > Various frame choices

Every measured or calculated parameter has a display, including a wind direction indicator. Some windows have options on what is displayed, the temperature window will display either outside temperature, inside temperature, wind chill or dew point. In addition to the real-time data, the Weather Oracle records minimum and maximum values, with time of occurrence, for wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, temperature humidity index, dew point, and barometer. For rainfall, two different accumulations are recorded. Each rainfall counter shows the time and date of the last counter reset.

 > Unlike typical LCD displays, the bright LED Weather Oracle display can be viewed from     across a room, under any lighting conditions.
 > Multiple displays allow you to get the information you need at a glance
 > The wireless design allows the user to have as many displays and/or computer interfaces     as desired. For example, in a condominium or school with one sensor assembly you may be     able to provide weather information to all of the member units or classrooms
 > The Weather Oracle Display may be placed anywhere convenient to a wall outlet, such as     on a table or desk. Keyhole slots are provided for wall mounting
 > Clock or calendar is always visible.
 > Display brightness can be adjusted at the touch of a button. Any individual display may be     turned off selectively if desired
 > The simple setup mode allows English or Metric units to be selected for each parameter.     The barometric pressure may be adjusted for the station elevation with a digital offset. A     digital temperature trim is also available. A diagnostic mode shows the weather station     version numbers, the sensor assembly battery voltage (with 24 hour high and low values),     and a received signal indicator.