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  Products > Meteorology > Sub Products > CC-2000 Computer Interface

The CC-2000 computer interface is a device that will record and store weather data received from the WS-2000, MK III or MK III-WT sensor assemblies. The CC ( Computer interface ) has 32K of non-volatile memory which allows the device to log data independently of a computer for 3 months. Connecting the Wireless Computer Interface to a dial-up modem will permit remote access to locations such as camps and summer homes. It provides both current and historical information.

Product Features
 > Operates independently, with its own RF     receiver.
 > Battery backup
 > 3 month data memory
 > Connects directly to a modem for remote     applications. No PC required.
 > Accessibly with HyperTerminal
 > Free Windows software

Connecting to a Computer

A number of 3rd party software programs support the CC-2000. When you purchase the CC-2000 directly from Rainwise you will also receive both WeatherView32 and Virtual Weather Station. These powerful Windows based programs will allow you to view current and historical data. The versions supplied are home/base versions. If you choose to upgrade you get a whole host of features including the ability to publish your information on the Internet. The CC-2000 has an RS-232 serial interface. An RS-232 to USB converter is available.

Connecting to a Modem

By connecting the CC to a dial-up modem you can access the data remotely. WeatherView32 supports remote access so you can still use all the features of the program even if you are miles away. You may use an ASCII terminal program like HyperTerminal to view data from a computer equipped with a modem from anywhere in the world with telephone service.
We are now offering a "Remote Access Kit". This kit contains a pre-configured modem set to automatically answer after a set number of rings. You don't need to worry about AT commands or if your modem has non-volatile memory, this is all taken care of. Just plug it in and go. If you wish to use your own modem go to Configuring a modem