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Mercury Monitoring Toolkit
Home | Mercury Monitoring Toolkit

Mercury Monitoring Toolkit
Sorbent Trap method is the most cost-effective and accurate method for mercury measurement in flue and process gases.
The method has been widely used in power generation industry, cement production industry, metallurgy, waste incineration, etc.
The US EPA’s method 30B is a reference method for quantifying mercury emissions from stationary sources. The method uses charcoal traps to capture total mercury from stack gas or special sorbent traps, which provide mercury speciation measurement. Method 30B is a reference method for relative accuracy test audits (RATA) of vapor phase mercury Continuous Emission Monitoring systems (CEMs). Sorbent traps based US EPA’s Performance Specification 12B (PS 12B) is considered as Continuous Emission Monitoring procedure.
A method based on sorbent traps is considered by UN Environment Programme as one of the best available techniques/best environmental practices of monitoring of mercury emissions.
The US EPA’s Mercury Measurement Toolkit is designed for efficient and cost-effective on-site determination of total and speciated mercury emissions in accordance with method 30B.
The Toolkit is also used for the mercury determination in coal, fly and bottom ash, gypsum, waste water, effluents, and other media.
Mercury Monitoring Toolkit includes:
- sampling probe OLM30B;
- variety of sorbent traps: 30B, PS12B, CEN/TS 17286;
- analytical system based on direct Zeeman mercury analyzer RA-915M and PYRO-915+.