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Dirty air flow test

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Dirty air flow test

Dirty Air Flow Test is a high precision test to get an insight in the performance of Coal Mill.

In the test, Air flow, Coal Flow, Coal Particle Sizing, Air Fuel Ratio etc, are obtained for each coal pipe of coal mill.

1. Air Fuel Ratio Sampler Kit ( Dirty Pitot Tube ) : It comprises of Dirty Pitot Tube, Iso-kinetic Coal Sampler, Static Pressure Probe with Type-K Thermocouple, Hand held temperature read out, Inclined manometer and Dust less connectors. The kit can determine Primary Air Flow rate, coal flow rate, static pressure a d coal fineness in each of the coal pipe. This helps in maintaining optimal air-fuel ratio and coal & primary air flow imbalance between pipe to pipe and mill to mill. Air Fuel Ratio Sampler is fabricator from Stainless Steel & is used to ISOKINETICALLY extract pulverized coal samples from coal conduit lines. The collected sample can be used to evaluate pulverized coal fineness, coal flow distribution & as a cross for the coal feeder readings. The Dirty Air Probe is also fabricated from Stainless Steel & is used to determine the velocity in the coal conduit line under actual operating condition (with coal). This probe is designed to significantly reduce the plugging probability caused by the pulverized coal. Each probe is calibrated against a standard Pitot Tube & is stamped with appropriate flow coefficient ‘K’ factor.

2. Multi Point Rotary Coal Sampler : Portable unit designed for sampling of pulverized fuel in the transport pipes between mills & burner. Samples are taken from multiple segments of four concentric but imaginary rims located across the cross section of coal pipe. It’s a high accuracy equipment complying with the ISO standard 9931 for sampling of coal conveyed by gases. Samples are extracted to check the distribution of fuel quantity to the individual burners, to check fineness of fuel, to check/demonstrate mill performance etc.

3. Motorised Sieve Shaker : Special sieve shaker which can handle two numbers of coal sample simultaneously & each of these sample can be classified in 7 levels of parties size. It is a major improvement over the conventional sieve shaker which provide only 3 levels of particle classification.

4. Accessories : Analytical Balance, Electric Oven, Software etc. are also available for testing & accurate generation & analysis.

5. “REAL TIME AUTOMATIC COAL FLOW MONITORING & BALANCING ; We offer both intrusive (as per ISO 9931) & Non-Intrusive (Micro-Wave) systems , designed to continuously monitor, in real-time , the distribution & velocity of pulverized coal in pipes of each coal pulveriser. This includes changes in pulverized coal flow at any load condition or during transient. Its also possible to provide “Specific Coal Consumption Optimisation” These systems provide vital combustion information & assist coal fired power plants in improving their performance in terms of combustion efficiency & coal mill performance.

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