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  Products > Meteorology > Sub Products > RainLog - Rainfall Data Logger

The RainWise RainLog data logger provides an economical method of logging rainfall at a remote location where power is not available. This battery operated logger fits inside our polypropylene rain gauge and will log total rainfall at a one minute resolution for up to for one year. It can easily be unplugged and connected to the serial port of a computer. It comes complete with Windows® software and serial port connecting cable.
> One year capacity – both logger and     battery supply.
 > One minute time/date stamp     resolution.
 > EEPROM Non-volatile memory.
 > Powered by one CR2477N battery.
 > Windows® software included.
RL-Loader 2 - Software

This free Windows based software package will run on Windows 95 or later.RL-Loader is used to configure and download data from the Rainlog. Data is displayed in both text and graphical formats. You can print graphs and reports directly. Previously saved data can be loaded to perform analysis and generate reports.
The latest release can export data directly into Microsoft Excel. The device info window gives you vital information about the attached Rainlog, like its time/date and the amount of memory used. The text window displays daily totals or the list of rainfall events as they occurred. The graph window displays a bar chart of the daily rainfall totals. The graphing range is also configurable. RL-Loader can also import files from RetrieverRL a Palm™ based software package for reading data from RainLog's.