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  Products > Meteorology > Sub Products > MK III Weather Station

The MK III Measures:
 > Wind Speed
 > Wind Direction
 > Temperature
 > Inside Temperature (multi-display only)
 > Barometric Pressure
 > Rainfall
 > Relative Humidity

You also get:
 > Wind Chill
 > Dew Point
 > Temperature/Heat Index (multi-display     only)
 > Clock and Calendar (visible with     multi- display only)
 > Min's and Max's

Following on from the popular WS-2000 weather station, RainWise has introduced the MK III. It is a wireless, solar powered weather station with new features including the wireless rain gauge and multi-display.

The MK III wireless Weather Station is easy to install and use. The roof top sensor assembly is wireless and solar powered, allowing it to operate for many years without servicing. With a range of up to 400 feet you can place Oracle displays almost anywhere in your home or office. With the computer interface you can collect, analyze and build a data base of your local weather.

The MK III Sensor Assembly broadcasts the weather data to one or more receivers, such as the Weather Oracle® Display , Weather Oracle® MK III and the Computer Interface. This means that you can have as many displays and computer interfaces in a building as you like, using just one sensor assembly. This is great for condominiums and schools. A new feature to the MK III is the option for a wireless yard-mount rain gauge. If the rain collector ever needs cleaning, the yard mount is easily accessible.


 Wind Speed
 Range:   0 - 150 m.p.h.; 0 - 67 meters per second; 0 -  240 Kilometers per hour; 0 -  130 Knots
 Resolution:  1.0 unit
 ± 2% of full scale
 Wind Direction
 Range:   Oracle Display has 16 point wind rose, current  direction by bright LED, and direction variation by  dimmer LED's. Computer interface gives reading  in degrees, 360°=North, 090°=East.
 Temperature : Outside
 Range:  -66° to +166° F; -54° to +74° C
 Accuracy:  ± 1° F; ± 0.5° C
 Temperature : Inside
 Range:  32° to +122° F; 0° to +50° C
 Accuracy:  ± 1.0° F; ± 0.5° C
 Relatice Humidity
 Range:  0 to 100 % R.H
 Accuracy:  ± 2 % at 25° C. Temperature compensated from  from -40° to 85°C
 Dew Point
 Range:  -40° to +140° F
 Accuracy:  ± 2° F, ±1.0° C
 Temperature / Heat Index
 Range:  To 160° F, 71°C
 Accuracy:  ± 2.0°, ±1.0° C
 Wind Chill
 Range:  to -127° F; to -88° C
 Accuracy:  ± 2° F, ±1.0° C
 Range:  16.3 inches Hg. to 32 inches Hg; 551 to 1084  millibars (hPa), absolute reading. Digital offset  for site altitude
 Accuracy:  ± 0.05 inches Hg; ± 1.69 millibars (hPa).  Temperature compensated from -40° to 85°C
 Rainfall ( Wired and wireless options)
 Range:  Unlimited Tipping bucket with 8 inch diameter  collector
 Resolution:  0.01"; 0.25 mm
 Accuracy:  ± 2% at 1.0 inches per hour
 Range:  Range may be reduced by walls or other RF  absorbing structures. Each WS-2000 system is  factory tested at 433 feet through our 2 factory  walls
 Frequency:  418 MHz. F.C.C. approved.
Multi Display Oracle Display Sensor Assembly Computer Interface